Day 19

Day 19
I awoke early in my hammock. A fog hung around the roadside niche I had camped in. It extended to the 90. I decided to

hang around until it lifted. Around 10AM I left the Lake Talquin State Recreation Area, and began putting in miles. It felt good. Almost too good.

Quincy was my goal. Fr. Tim had put in a call to St. Thomas the Apostle parish telling them to keep an eye out for me. However I had Chattahoochee on my mind. It must have been that Alan Jackson song.

I ran with ease. I stopped around noon to eat lunch: 6 bananas and a grapefruit. I hung out beneath high tension wires and put in a good calisthenics workout. I stretched, and jumped back on the 90. 
I felt light, and moved with ease. The miles melted away. Chattahoochee, 35 miles away, seemed very doable. 
I held myself back once again. It is still early in this journey. I am happy these thoughts and desires to cover larger distances are surfacing. I am choosing not to pursue them as of yet.


I reached the Quincy city limits during the 3 o’clock hour, and caught up with friends and family. It felt nice to have met my goal so early in the day, and I headed to St. Thomas the Apostle parish in town.
I met Joel, who gave me Fr. Michael’s phone number. After a quick conversation I was given permission to camp on the property.
I took an afternoon siesta and charged my cell phone. I used the restroom and then hung out on the deck enjoying the rest.

I met Stefani, who is a High School Youth Group leader. Later that day the group practiced the Stations of the Cross, which they would be reenacting on Good Friday. 


I left my cart at the parish and walked into town. It felt nice not having to bring the buggy along. Quincy is a town square kind of city. It was nice meandering about.

St. Thomas the Apostles parish is the largest Spanish speaking parish in the diocese. All most all of the parishioners spoke Spanish exclusively, it was nice listening to them and brushing up on my español. 
Around 9pm Fr. Michael returned to the parish and offered me a place to sleep inside the church on a couch. I left my hammock and decided it would be safer and quieter indoors. He also heated up a big plate of empanadas and gave me a gallon of Tampico. Wow so much food! It all tasted so good.
He told me he admired the pilgrimage and to swing by the rectory in the morning for breakfast. Shortly after dinner, I fell asleep yards away from the altar and tabernacle. 

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